BRAIN INSIGHTS TO SHARE: Loving Relationships Are Critically Important In Many Ways

Brain Insights to share: Printable #7 Self regulation is developed through early positive interactions.
Far to often it is thought that loving relationships only impact the emotional development of children. And further, there is frequently the belief that the emotional development of children is not as important as cognitive development. 

The understanding that is critically needed however is that early relationships impact overall brain development. It is extremely beneficial that everyone understands that when a child experiences nurturing, stimulating and predictable interactions early in life, this leads to the necessary ability to self regulate.   

Printable #7 shares some of the valuable results that occur when self regulation is developed through early positive interactions.

Printable #7

This excellent video Executive Function: Skills for Life and Learning from Center on the Developing Child also clearly explains the development of these critical skills.

 Have enjoyable week sharing this 
important information!


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BRAIN INSIGHTS TO SHARE: Play Is The Way To Develop Brains Best!

Hillary at Toys Naturally sent this wonderful poem. She was inspired and wrote it in response to the article I posted on iPadding Toddlers When is Too Soon and a few other posts I have previously shared on the topic of screen time for young children. 
I have added photos to the text of the poem to share with you. The poem and photos emphasizes the importance of play and interactions with real objects for real learning and healthy early brain development.  

The printable for this week explains the valuable difference play makes. 

I read a tweet and saw a blog
Young minds, affected, in a fog
Television, switched on all day
Destroying childhood, killing play
Photo of Baby brain influenced by TV

I felt virtuous - only half an hour
My wee one was a protected flower? 
I thought some more and then said why?                    
No TV a few days c’mon-let’s try

Photo of The brain benefits from reading together

Next day we did not switch it on
Instead played blocks and had some fun
Out came play dough and some books
Lots of cuddles and a few funny looks
Photo of Positive parent child interaction

Out came the tea set and a teddy bear
Bottomless pretend tea and cookies to share
On goes music and we go grooving
Wow yes it’s true our brains, improving


Photo of Valuable parent Child Interaction during everyday life activities

That half an hour, we have it back     
To play, to share, to have a yack.
As I chop and cook a dinner for 3
My wee one plays and enlightens me.

Photo of Mom and Daughter enjoying fun interaction together

Enjoy Sharing and Have FUN!

The Brain Development Series was developed with all of these scene in mind. Each packet is filled with ways to easily provide this opportunity for every child and family ... and the best thing is... it works into your busy everyday life! 

The toys provided by Toys Naturally are beautiful. You can visit the site here to order wonderful products for the young growing brains in your life!
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More Evidence! Childhood Stimulation is Key to Brain Development

Fun brain stimulation activities for 4 year olds to make a long lasting impact on language and cognitive development
New research was recently shared to give further evidence of the importance of positive stimulation in the preschool years.

A long term study revealed that the age of four is a critical time of enrichment for language and cognitive development. 

This article, Childhood Stimulation Key to Brain Development, reports that,

"Scientists found that the more mental stimulation a child gets around the age of four, the more developed the parts of their brains dedicated to language and cognition will be in the decades ahead."

I find it extremely important to emphasize what this research designated as the important 'stimulation' that contributed positively to healthy brain development. The article shared the following perspective:

Andrea Danese, a clinical lecturer in child and adolescent psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, said the study suggested that the experience of a nurturing home environment could have an effect on brain development regardless of familial, perhaps genetic, predispositions to better brains. Danese added that this kind of research highlighted the "tremendous role" that parents and carers had to play in enabling children to develop their cognitive, social, and emotional skills by providing safe, predictable, stimulating, and responsive personal interactions with children.

Read More on this important research here

This valuable research supports the reason for the Brain Insights 4 year old brain packet! 

Following is a fun activity example adults and children can do together while, folding laundry, making dinner, riding in the car, waiting for an appointment, etc.

Sentence Completion

Make sentences for me to finish using opposite words. 

Make up sentences about things around us. For example: Say, "Grass is soft, but sidewalks are ____."

Another way we can do this: Have me finish the sentence abou the presenta nd then the past. For example: Say, "I am riding my bike and yesterday I ____ my bike."
Let's Learn More While I'm Four provides ideas for exactly what these developing brains need in a way that is easy for parents to provide even during busy everyday life! Do you know a four year old?

Brain Stimulation at age four makes a long lasting impact - Activity ideas for busy everyday life!

Isn't it wonderful when we continuously get additional 
information to support the importance of the early years? 

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BRAIN INSIGHTS TO SHARE: Healthy Brains Begin With Consistently Meeting Needs

Responsive relationships are essential for healthy brain development!   

Brain Insights:Printable #5’t it wonderful that what we naturally want to do is best for a developing young brain? When a baby cries it is our natural instinct to comfort the infant. It is through consistently responding to and tuning into the expressed needs of a baby that will impact the base of the wiring in the immature brain. 

Through these repeated nurturing responses, the brain begins to learn. This is the beginning of the brain wiring for self regulation and healthy emotional development. These loving interactions early in life can have an extremely positive and long lasting impact on relationships and learning throughout life. You can read more how this occurs in, Anna Wants This For Every Baby.

You can share this critically important information with the printable for this week!

Printable #5   

The following quote from, The Blossom Method by Vivien Sabel, shares how essential this need is and how desperately a baby needs adults to realize and understand how they are communicating.  

 “A baby starts talking from the moment she takes her first breath. A child’s instinct for survival and human interaction drives her to communicate with her caregivers using unique movements, facial expressions, sounds, and mouth, lip and tongue shapes."

Brain Insights and the communcation of babies ~

You can learn more on this exceptional book and this essential aspect of early brain development in Astonishing Communication with a Baby Beginning at Birth.


Brain Insights Activity Packets for Early Brain Development - 

The printable also includes an activity idea from, the LOVE YOUR BABY brain development activity packet and App.  

 For more wonderful ways to provide loving interactions throughout your busy day go to



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NEW: Creating Great Connections and H.O.P.E.

Creating Great Connections and H.O.P.E is a new and unique concept for your benefit!! 

Creating Great Connections and H.O.P.E Newsletter      

Brain Insights has something new that I am very excited about and am extremely anxious to share with you. It is my hope that you will be as enthused about it as I am.

There is a great wealth of information that is being shared about on helping children learn and thrive . There are fabulous blogs, tremendous books, impressive research, and terrific articles being shared all for the benefit of those who care deeply about children. 

However, many of those with the desire to share this information have expressed to me great interest in creating a broader reach for those that can benefit. There is a feeling that there are many more parents, educators, social workers, health care providers, home visitors, grandparents, community leaders, etc. that could be reached. With that concern, I have been playing with ideas to come up with a solution. As a result, I have developed, Creating Great Connections and H.O.P.E

The purpose is to provide a way for each of us to share information in a more streamlined and direct way. It also provides a method to get information that you need in a more efficient way.  With Creating Great Connections we will no longer have to search numerous sites to find what we are looking for. And as the H.O.P.E community grows, we each will be reaching more people who are looking for the information we have to share!

This will be e-mailed in a newsletter format, but it is much more than a newsletter. It provides information and support entirely related to healthy brains and life skill development for ALL children. But in addition, it also is a way to better connect all of us that care so deeply about children and provides a way for us to help each other.

Whether you are working in a job that serves children in some way or you are a parent or grandparent, you will find information and questions on news related to the brain, books, resources, blogs, conferences, and also personal requests. This is designed to help you!

The main portion of the newsletter is focused on what I have titled, HOPE (Helping Other People Everywhere). There are 5 categories. These are areas where you can either ask a question about something you are looking for, or respond to a question someone has asked, and you can offer your help.
Additionally, there is a section with a new article posted in each issue…. and also an opportunity for you to advertise. Guidelines, Details and Advertising Info.

If you are not already signed up to receive Brain Insights newsletters, you can do it at the bottom corner of the web page with the link here. You will then ensure you receive each issue of Creating Great Connections! There is no cost. 

For more detailed information on how to get the information you need or to share with others go to directions, guidelines and advertising.

It will be wonderful to have you benefiting from and contributing to this new effort! Just follow the directions and send your requests directly to me.

With sincere appreciation,


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BRAIN INSIGHTS TO SHARE: It Is Repetition That Makes Strong Connections

Free Printable! Repeated positive experiences contribute to children that thrive! Blog:Early Childhood Brain Insights
When playing with a child, signing a song, or reading a book together, you might frequently hear, "Do it again!!" We all have probably heard this request. 

This repetition is exactly what the developing brain needs. When experiences are repeated, the brain creates strong pathways of connections based on those experiences. The brain then retains those connections. 

If an experience doesn't happen frequently the brain eliminates connections made from those experiences. As explained in printable #3 the brain adapts to the environment it is exposed to. The "use it or loose it" process explains how this adaptation takes place. The brain adapts skills needed for survival and success for the world in which it lives. 

As a result, for healthy brain development and helping a child thrive, positive environments and experiences are needed. The printable for this week explains this and includes an activity idea to share from, Let's Learn More While I'm Four also. 

Printable #4  
It Is Repetition That Makes Strong Connections

In this wonderful video from Center on the Developing Child; The Science of Early Childhood Development  Jack P. Shonkoff M.D. clearly explains the impact of early experiences on young brains. This is a great clip to share! 


Hopefully you have a terrific week sharing and making a positive impact!!


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Brain Insights: Promoting A World of Difference!

When presenting at the Parenting 2.0 Talks International Summit, Sherlyn Pang Present Parent Training conducted interviews with many of the presenters. I look forward to sharing the interviews of these incredible people that are a part of the Global Presence Guild. You can watch for these posts in upcoming weeks! I am certain you will be thrilled to know of all they are providing for children and families!

There are two purposes for sharing this... One is I am extremely appreciative to Sharylyn so I can share a visual of the Brain Development Packets. Since these are unique, it is valuable for those who find it beneficial to see samples of the packets demonstrated.

Secondly, this also brings attention to the Global Presence!  In this post I am providing you the wonderful opportunity to become a part of this exciting and growing international community!

Grassroots Community of “Basically Good People” Serving Others.

"The Global Presence is an international, grassroots, volunteer organization that gives basically good people the opportunity to stand tall, link arms, and be counted. You are already serving others in dozens of ways, now is the time for you to join with like- minded individuals, be applauded for your contributions, and supported in your service."

To find out more go to  Parenting 2.0 - Raising Humanity Collaboratively and Consciously

It is very difficult to adequately express how impressive, knowledgeable and extremely caring the professionals  presenting at the P2.0 Talks are. I invite you to go to the Thought Leaders page and connect with these dedicated people. I am certain the valuable resource you become aware of, will enhance your work and/or personal life. 

Isn't it heartwarming when we realize all that is taking place for individuals and families throughout the world?

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